The course is addressed to senior management staff who will be involved in preparedness, policies and strategy related to marine oil spills. Participants will extend their knowledge of planning practices to the implementation of the incident command system and crisis management and the cooperation with stakeholders.
Learning Objectives
- Interpret legal framework
- Analyse preparedness structure and contingency planning
- Develop spill assessment and response planning
- Examine NEBA, restrictions and response considerations
- Determine response strategy and broad lines of cooperation
- Implement Incident Management System (IMS)
- Manage communications system
- Plan public information actions
- Comprehend compensation framework and ‘reasonable’ concept
- Monitor claims preparation and submission
- Exercises on response strategy and spill management related issues
- Legal framework
- Oil spill response preparedness mechanism
- Spill assessment, planning and response
- Impacts of oil spills
- Places of refuge and salvage considerations
- Response strategy and cooperation
- Incident Management Systems: Leadership and roles
- Communications and information sharing
- International compensation regime
- Claims submission
Preparedness & Risk assessment
Incident management system
Communication procedures
Compensation framework
Response strategy and action plan
The standard length of the course is 24h (3 days).
Although not a prerequisite, delegates are encouraged to have undertaken OPRC Level 2 course previously.
Delegates will receive certification under NI International Scheme. The certification is valid for three (3) years and can be renewed by attending a Refresher course.