The Leading

International Oil Spill Training Academy


Navigate the onshore, offshore and maritime industry through the kaleidoscope of environmental challenges.


IMO OPRC accredited courses and tailored training programs, highly oriented towards acquiring and strengthening operational and strategic competencies.


Highly qualified professional trainers with significant experience in environmental projects and oil spill emergency response incidents.

“I cannot teach anybody anything. I can only make them think.”
- Socrates


Over 2000 trainees worldwide


Professional advanced training


Interactive and e-learning experiences

Total Solutions

Flexible courses designed to your needs


Environmental Protection Engineering S.A.

EPE (Environmental Protection Engineering S.A.) counts over 40 years in the maritime and industry sector investing in research, development and implementation of new technologies. Motivated by the environmental challenges and market needs, we provide innovative solutions in the environmental protection, preparedness and response fields.


EPE launches EMSA’s project for the provision of training services to national authorities

EPE launches EMSA’s project for the provision of training services to national authorities

In the context of Black and Caspian Sea Project, the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) awarded…